Welcome to the
Maryland Chevelle Club

Click HERE for information about out 37th Annual Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show


The Maryland Chevelle Club (MCC) is a not-for-profit organization, established in 1988.  We are dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of all 1964-1972 Chevelles, whether they are stock, modified, or customized. Many of our members use their Chevelles as "daily drivers."  Some have "concours quality" original restored show cars, while others have all-out drag racers!  From mild to wild-whatever your interest, we are here for YOU!  

Membership in MCC offers many benefits

The Newsletter, MCCNews features: (1) tech articles for restorations, performance improvements, detailing, production information and pending laws or bills that affect our hobby; (2) Calendar of Events (Upcoming Shows); (3) Club News; (4) FREE Classified Advertisements and (5) when available, a feature article on a member's Chevelle or El Camino.

Monthly Meetings are held in various locations around the State.  Typical meeting topics are "what's new" in our hobby, troubleshooting problems with projects, Club Business and Chevelle-related activities on a local and national level.  You will meet other people who share an interest in Chevelles and El Caminos as you do.  We assist each other with guidance and technical information from our own experiences.

Special events include:

Other activities include:

Have questions about the MCC?  Click HERE for our Frequently Asked Questions.

Want to become a member of the MCC?

For only $25.00 per year ($45 overseas), you can enjoy the benefits of Maryland Chevelle Club membership, including Special MCC license plates!  Click here for a MCC Membership Application

  Chevelle Data & ID Guide: 1964-1972 now available!

    $24.95 Paperback or $19.95 Digital (click HERE to purchase)

Looking for a Chevelle? There are many kinds of classic cars for sale which you can review and compare online.

(Click on a link!)

Street Side Auto

StreetSideAuto.com is excited to become a sponsor of the Maryland Chevelle Club, supporting the automotive enthusiast and outdoor sportsman with direct access to the largest selection of in-stock performance parts and accessories for most cars, trucks, Jeeps and SUVs from over 900 brand name vendors.  This combination allows for a unique buying experience for you, the consumer, as we only sell in-stock items, offer free shipping* on most orders, and never charge handling fees.  Our expert staff and management team represent years of experience in the specialty automotive aftermarket with relationships going back as far as 30 years with some manufacturers.  If you are looking for the best source for Westin Nerf Bars or hundreds of other great brands and categories look no further!

Club Address

Maryland Chevelle Club
C/O Tom Morris
7243 Talbot Run Road
Mt. Airy, Maryland 21771

General Information: mcc@mdchevelleclub.com
Webmaster: donnieg67@aol.com

Last updated 01/15/2025