Evaluation Rules & Regulations 2024

If you wish to have your car evaluated at the show, the following rules & regulations MUST be adhered to! 

1.   Your car will NOT be evaluated against other cars.  It will be evaluated against an evaluation sheet designed specifically for your cars class.

2.   For Pre-registration, the envelope MUST be postmarked by June 01, 2024.  Day of show evaluation is on an as-available basis.

3.   The fee for this service is $75.00 (pre-registration) which INCLUDES the show registration fee ($30 + $45) will be required and MUST be pre-paid to enter this program.  Once accepted all money is Non-refundable

The fee is to cover all additional expenses incurred by the club.

4.   We will come to your car for the evaluation.

5.   The car must be in show stance.  This means the car will have all windows up, hood and trunk open and convertible tops UP.

6.   No contact with the evaluation team will be allowed during the Evaluation process (unless they approach you).

7.   After the Evaluation team has finished their work you may return the car to however you would like to show it.

8.   You will still be eligible for any Participant Choice and Special Awards. 

     9.   Your cars evaluation may earn you one of the following certifications:

Silver Badge - Achieving a 90% score (or above).  Scoring 90% or 99% is no different… Silver is the highest badge your car can achieve at this event at this time, typically earned by 1st timers (which everyone will be this first year).

Gold Badge – Having achieved the Silver badge AND a 95% score.

Platinum Badge – Having achieved the Silver AND  Gold badge AND a score of 98% (or above starting in 2013)



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