21st Annual Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show
ACES North East Regional
Even the drab forecast predicted for the weekend was not enough to keep Chevelle enthusiasts away from the 21st Annual Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show & Swap Meet/ACES Northeast Regional. Friday was just the beginning of what would be a fabulous show! Just as in the past, MCC’ers starting arriving around 12:30 pm to get things set up. With a ton of help, it didn’t take long to layout the field. Each year more vendors arrive on Friday to stake their claim on space and get a head start on setting up their wares as well. When all was done, it was off to check into the Hotel and clean up a little.
With a menu full of items to choose from, even the
pickiest of eaters found something to enjoy. After dinner it was back to
the hotel to tell/hear stories from abroad, or better known as “bench racing”.
Early Saturday morning there was time to eat a little breakfast and then head
off to the field. During the night we had a shower or two, which actually
was a plus. The show field drains very quickly and this helped to keep the dust
off the cars. As the cars arrived, they were directed by the parkers to
the appropriate area according to class.
Vendors lined the left side and across the bottom of the show field. One
of our long time vendors, Jeff Kidderer (above), made the trip from PA to take
possession of his “usual” spot. Behind, and to the right of the Gazebo,
our major sponsors were set up and ready to go.
Ground Up returned again
this year and had some great deals for those looking for reproduction parts.
Over by the water was Show Car Photos and J&J Catering.
Of course our show would
not be complete without Chuck and LaRae Hanson from ACES...both were back for
the 11th year in a row! Boy how time flies when you’re having fun!
They became part of the MCC family quite a few years back and it’s always great
to see them!
New this year was Chesapeake Soda Clean and Legendary Auto Interiors. Check them
out on the web and give them a call when you need these kinds of services!
This year we had two cars in our showcase. Each was in a stage of restoration
and a HUGE hit with the attendees. Albert Galdi brought his mild modified 1969
“sleeper” Malibu (Above) and Bill Rose brought his original restored” 1969 El
Camino (below). For two days straight they were bombarded with questions from
the many on lookers. These guys are both EXPERTS when it comes to restoring Chevelle’s. Clearly apparent, both are doing frame off restorations, detailed to
the max and SWEEEET! Can’t wait to see them completely finished at next years
The car coral was just about full. Some were crying for a much needed
restoration, while others blinded you with their shine. In either case, it was
just how much money were you willing to depart with to take one of these
treasures home.
Stacey Stone from Chesapeake Soda Clean in Annapolis, MD gave a seminar on using
baking soda to blast the paint off an entire car or even just parts. Even though
it’s been around quite a few years now, Soda blasting is still pretty new
technology. This was extremely informative for those that attended.
Andrea Waters volunteered to keep the kids (both young and old) entertained
playing the Lifter Toss, Fan Belt Toss, and Hula Hoop games. The winners walked
away with some sweet prizes!
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Even though the show technically doesn’t start until 9 A. M., participants and
vendors were already lining up to get in at 8 A.M.! With our experts
handling registration, the line never got more than 4 or 5 deep. manhandling, or
rather “woman” handling those 25 lb. plus goodie bags gave the girls a good
workout! By 10 A.M, the field was about half full with some of the finest
Chevelles in the country. Each year the quality of the cars seems to have
no bounds. From stock to pro-street, mild to wild, each was very well
represented. In fact, this year there were entries from 10 different